[The Rev. Adaly Rosado (center) accepting the food drive with Dragon Master Robert Kim (far left), Sir Robbie Kim (far right), Sir Sal Gjecbritaj (2nd from right) and other instructors and students of Dragon Kim’s Karate USA.]
Dragon Kim’s Karate USA had begun a food collection in the summer of this year. They needed a place to donate the food. They asked one of their students, the Rev. Adaly Rosado, where the donation could be made. Father Rosado quickly responded, “we have a food pantry.” He is the Parochial Vicar at the Church of Saint Christopher and Saint Margaret Mary, which covers the Grant City and Midland Beach neighborhoods of Staten Island. The church has a food pantry which helps feed the hungry in all of Staten Island. Since Father Rosado was both a student at the school and a priest at the church, it was decided that both organizations should unite to fight hunger on Staten Island. Last month, the school donated approximately 200 pounds of food to the pantry. In the future, more donations will be made. Dragon Kim’s Karate USA has multiple locations on Staten Island and all will run food drives to help feed the hungry.