Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

How to regain our relationship with Mother Mary.-

When we are younger running five miles can be very easy but it's not done in a day.  On the first day of training that first half of mile seems like a very difficult and impossible task.  After that very first half of mile we begin feeling achy and we begin to huff and puff.   If like me you have asthma using your pump becomes necessary.  After a while of training something spectacular happens.  We are able to run five miles and we do not even realize it.  We are far less tired after being well trained and running five miles then when we are untrained and run half a mile.  I know what you are thinking.  Father, what does this have to do with me and the Blessed Virgin Mary?

The answer is simple.  We can compare our prayer life to our physical exercise.  If we do not exercise it is difficult to run those five miles on the first attempt.  In the same way if we do not pray it is difficult to pray a Rosary.  On October 17, Pope Francis Tweeted "Our prayer cannot be reduced to an hour on Sundays. It is important to have a daily relationship with the Lord."   Our Holy Father's wise words demonstrate that it is not good for our souls not to pray.  The solution with rebuilding our relationship with Mary is simple.  Suppose a person used to pray a rosary a day and now they do not.  In order to get back into the good habit of praying that rosary per day the first half of mile has to be run.  The person could begin by simply praying a decade of the rosary.  Then when they are able to they can pray two decades of the rosary.  Then, they can pray three decades, four and finally they are back in the habit of praying the rosary and pleasing our Mother.  Our Lady of Divine Providence.  Pray for Us.



Note: Today is the feast day of Our Lady of Divine Providence.  She is the patroness of Puerto Rico, the land where my family is from.  This feast is not on all the Liturgical Calendars of the world but it is still a good idea to pray a rosary today and ask Our Lady to intercede for us.


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