Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Please help give Bibles to Inmates


I need bibles for inmates

I'm writing this request for Catholic Bibles both in English and Spanish for our inmates at Orange County Jail.  I'm one of the chaplains there.  Unfortunately, I don't have bibles to give them.  I have started purchasing used bibles on ebay and half.com  They are also available new  at wholesale prices at http://www.biblesbythecase.com/9780529064844.html  I found Catholic Bibles in Spanish for $3.99 at http://www.bibles.com/spanish/spanishchurchesbibles/dhh-outreach-catholic-bible-spanish.html


Can you please send some used bibles to me for them at


Rev. Adaly Rosado, Jr.
Church of Saint John the Evnagelist
71 Murray ave
Goshen, NY 10924


If you prefer you can donate money to Saint John's here http://stjohnsgoshen.com/donations and simply e-mail me at fatherrosado (at) fatherrosado.com to tell me that the donations are for Bibles for the inmates.


Remember Jesus asks us when was I in Jail and you visited me.  Well in this case they're in jail and we fed them spiritual food.


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