All Souls Day

Today is All Souls Day!  Today, we remember our beloved dead.  It is good to pray for our dead because it is a spiritual work of mercy.  I like to say that it is like giving a hug or a kiss to our loved ones.  Imagine, for a moment, those souls that are in purgatory.  Today, as we remember all of the dead we remember and pray for them as well.  They might even be our friends and family members.  Imagine that because of our prayers God allows one of them to go to heaven.  That will be awesome since we will have a friend in heaven who can pray for us!  In addition, that person will be in the presence of almighty God forever.  That would be a great joy in itself.  

Many people do not understand what purgatory is.  This video below from OutsideDaBox gives a great explanation. Today, I went to the cemetery to pray for the dead.  It is a good pious tradition.  I'll offer Mass for all the faithful departed at 7:30 pm tonight in my church.  God Bless You.





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